With the in-app self-help delivered by AppLearn Adopt, this company saved 3,466 hours of user time on a single task in just 21 days and improved task completion rate by 200%+ with in-app support.
Software: Workday®
Sector: Insurance
At the time of planning, the company’s plan to transform its employee service experience was the only technology project to be rolled out globally in their 148 years of existence. This meant that along with the goal of streamlining processes through digitalization, it was doubly important to mitigate against the risks associated with change.
To meet these ambitions and standardize their outdated, inconsistent solutions, the organization selected ServiceNow to deliver a consolidated front-end portal. This would then connect with other new tools for vertical functions, such as Workday® for HR. Taking this layered, phased approach was undoubtedly the right method, but it also added an extra dimension of change.
After realizing that user adoption was the key to both achieving their goals and avoiding the risks, the company identified two key challenges. The first was to ensure their 50,000+ users embraced the new tools and self-service approach across 60 global locations, and in different languages. The second was to demonstrate the technology was enabling their target operating model.
From the beginning, AppLearn and the client agreed that establishing short-and long-term measures of success was critical. Before worrying about the functions of the companies applications and supporting their users, AppLearn focused on the available data, how it connected and what metrics mattered to their target operating model.
After combining the unique adoption data made accessible by Adopt with platform and call tracking data, the team drilled into all the sources connected with the project and created the companies objectives and key results (OKRs). With 10 OKRs and Adopt’s Advanced Analytics in place for launch, as well as the previously inaccessible in-app interactions being tracked by Adopt, the company is now able to see how its technology is enabling its vision and operating model.
With measurement established, AppLearn distributed targeted enablement content to ensure the company’s worldwide userbase were equipped to embrace self-service. Delivered in line with existing change initiatives, both in and outside of application, this increased engagement and confirmed users’ readiness for change.
The day one results showed that 95% of people used Adopt on their first session, with 61% actively seeking support in-app. You could also see that the users who engaged with Adopt’s targeted enablement content were 150% more likely to successfully complete day one tasks. This level of performance wouldn’t be possible without the work done to measure and boost readiness for change before launch.
Adopt simply layers on top of existing applications to make sure your software succeeds.